🔑G Sheet Money(Single Entry Bookkeeping) is an accounting file for corporations and individual business owners created using Google Spreadsheets. In addition to an easy-to-use, simple, and stylish UI, it also uses Google's system, so it has perfect security measures. This is the perfect product for those who want to keep their books simple with single entry bookkeeping. It also has essential functions for users such as initialization, date sorting, backup, automatic currency rate calculation, and AI Sheet. While many accounting software are expensive, "G Sheet Money'' is reasonably priced because once you purchase it, you can use it forever. Daily bookkeeping and tax-related document creation can be done smoothly with this software! "G Sheet Money (Single entry bookkeeping)" will surely become an indispensable tool for your business. 📍 Features: ✅Stylish and fashionable design ✅High functionality ✅High security by google system ✅Calculate automatically ✅Inexpensive and can be used repeatedly with one-time purchase 📍 Note: If you have any problems or system defects, please contact us via chat or telegram If you are considering purchasing, please be sure to read the following document. Describes the steps required to perform functional operations on accounting files. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MTu_9GzE_YKKVU4LiofSB3xXqEDys984nfgiFJg4d68/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eYmCbqM5oN6T6HrjTFgom8s5leHWn-I68a4fPo6kVPY/edit?usp=sharing
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